Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them in real … plenity reddit .Site is running on IP address, host name ( Turkey) ping response time 5ms Excellent ping.

Your 57% if you go to Damage Done underneath "ilvl %" is compared to all shadow priest logs uploaded within the past 2 weeks between 196-198 ilvl.Welcome to Warcraft Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO.

The 18% is compared to all shadow priest logs uploaded within the past 2 weeks. venus nails greenville ncBased on item level, you parsed at 57%. wow logs e cache is hosted at free file sharing service 4shared.Online file sharing and storage - 15 GB free web .Hier bekommt ihr alle wissenswerten Informationen zum Thema Warcraftlogs.Link: Abo und Like nicht vergessen! Kanalmitglied we. Take control of either the Humans, the Orcs, the Night Elves or the Undead, all with different unit types and heroes with unique abilities.Play the story driven single player campaign, go online to play default- or custom maps against people around th wow logs e cache - download at 4shared. bank code for rbc Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos is an RTS made by Blizzard Entertainment. WoW Shadowlands parses logs dps hps damage taken. WoW logs are pieces of data that track your raid encounters down the very smallest details. With these quick and simple summaries, raid leaders can review their team's mechanical performance to find out what areas to focus on for your next attempts.

Then the user will be able to analyze their data without tabbing out of the game.Wipefest is an extremely powerful analysis tool that works in coordination with data from Warcraft Logs in order to produce mechanical breakdowns. The app allows World of Warcraft players to easily upload combat logs, either live during play or after a dungeon or raid, to Warcraft Logs's servers. self adhesive leather refinisher 魔兽世界插件魔兽世界专区插件站提供最全面专业的魔兽世界插件和大脚插件下载.The official companion app to Warcraft Logs is now available on the Overwolf platform. I have spent time looking at the top WW players at wow logs, looking at their casts what they are casting in what order when, and what I see is no different to .